“37 percent of U.S. physicians reported that they or a health care professional in their practice made home visits frequently or occasionally, compared to 70 percent or more in all the other countries.” [Health Affairs, December 10]
“He can easily arrange, with the stroke of a pen, to overtest and overtreat and hospitalize his patients, but it’s impossible for him to arrange home assistance or meal delivery.” [Health Care Renewal, December 5]
“[The Democratic establishment’s] love for policies that play well in focus groups blinded it to the revolutionary possibility of policies that are actually good.” [Libby Watson, December 6]
“Depriving staff of food and drink proximate to where they work is of no health value and strikes me as just one more way of exerting control over the people actually engaged in the hard, grinding work of saving lives.” [Edwin Leap, December 10]
Photo: James Milstid. Used under a Creative Commons license.